Gay Olympian In Hot Water

Speaking of the Olympics, this week numerous gay men on social media took aim at Gus Kenworthy – a name most people have never heard before.  He’s an openly gay Olympic skier, and he’s really hot.  And that’s why he has a following – if he were losing his hair and had a hump, he’d have no fan base (medal or not).  Gus posted a photo with beau Matt Wilkas and Caitlyn Jenner at an undisclosed party in London.  That party was to celebrate the birthday of Prince Azim, the son of the Sultan of Brunei, a monarch with an anti-gay bent.  The “colorful” prince enjoys having celebrities at his fetes – folks like Janet Jackson, Diana Ross, Mariah Carey, Sophia Loren, Michael Jackson, and others have attended in the past (and have been, presumably, well-compensated).  But it does beg the question – how anti-gay is anyone with that kinda guest list?  Once Gus was informed that this could be a touchy subject with his fans, he deleted the post – but not before it wormed its way through the web.  Since then, he’s been raked over the coals about how he’s let so many people down.  When you can find Brunei on a map or tell me any stats about Kenworthy other than the number of abs he has, then you can tell me how let down you are.

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