Prince Charming’s Time Warp

Speaking of outcalls, time for yet another Finding Prince Charming update.  In last week’s episode, our former rentboy planned a masquerade ball and asked the suitors to design masks that reveal a secret that they’ve kept hidden.  Oh, goodie, goodie – finally Robert‘s escorting past will come out.  And maybe the guys will gather round to watch the videos you’ve all seen on  They decorate the mansion, everyone’s in black tie, and Robert shows up – in broad daylight.  What the hell kinda ball takes place at high noon?  I’m not even awake by then!  Logo, get on the ball.  At least ABC has the good sense to hide that it’s daytime when they do these things.

Although Robert doesn’t want the guys to have any secrets, it becomes clear that he’s not gonna reveal a thing.  But, wait – we travel back in time to 1996.  Yes, because it would have to be at least 20 years ago that well-travelled gays in their 30s and living in a thriving metropolis would consider it a BIG secret to reveal they are HIV-positive.  Of course it’s still a big deal, but it isn’t the death sentence it was two decades ago.  So Eric (the hairdresser living in LA) makes this big revelation to Robert (the hooker).  Of course, Robert picks Eric for the one-on-one date because if he doesn’t, he’ll look worse than he is…if that’s possible.  On that date, Robert shocks us by making a big revelation of his own.  He can identify with Eric’s struggle because…get ready for it…Robert cared for an uncle who died of AIDS in the ’90s.  My God, he’s the next Mother Teresa – give him the Nobel Peace Prize right now!  And, in case we didn’t know it was no longer 2016, Robert kisses Eric’s hand not once but twice.  Yeah, after Eric just revealed he is HIV-positive, Robert’s kissing him on the hand didn’t feel awkward at all!

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