Kathy Griffin’s Back

When last we left Kathy Griffin, she had announced a world tour, shaved her head in solidarity with her sister who had cancer, and was feuding with a neighbor over a pool party.  Since then, her hair has started to grow back in, her sister died, and the neighbor thinks she’s spying on him.  On top of all that, she made a surprise appearance in Los Angeles.  Except it wasn’t much of a surprise – Kathy has appeared at the annual Best in Drag fundraiser almost 20 times in the past.  So the fact that she chose that venue to make her first domestic stage appearance since the Trump debacle was not surprising.  That she entered the stage wearing a non-bloody Trump mask and taking a knee was perhaps somewhat of a surprise.  What she did was less of a routine and more of a proclamation that she was back.  And just to prove it, she read some letters she got from fans and foes alike.  The most amusing was an e-mail addressed to Anderson Cooper but CC’d to Kathy.  “Dear Anderson.  From one homo to another, you’re a fickle faggot.  Really?  Not supporting and backing Kathy Griffin after she had your back for years?  Even to talk about your cock-sucking in her comedy back when you were still a closeted queen.  And another thing, Anderson.  Homo rule 101 – you always back your fag hag.”  You can see the rest of her appearance on BillyMasters.com.

Speaking of Anderson Cooper, you all know that Kathy was fired from co-hosting New Year’s Eve on CNN with Coop.  At long last, a replacement has been named.  And that is…drum roll, please…Andy Cohen!  You didn’t need to be Jeane Dixon to predict this – I said this would happen the moment Kathy was fired.  But, news is news.

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