Shuttlegate 2016

Did you hear about Shuttlegate?  Because of increased security at the Golden Globes, everyone not in a limo had to park in a single garage about a mile away from the venue.  The lines in the garage were endless, with celebs and civilians alike waiting over two hours to go through a metal detector and board a shuttle.  The trades quoted people as saying, “This is like waiting to get off the Titanic” or “It was like a prison camp”.  Such a First World problem.  Meanwhile there are people in Uzbekistan who don’t even have cable!  To avoid this, I found a parking spot nearby and walked to the hotel.  Well, I attempted to walk to the hotel.  A burly cop of undetermined gender stopped me and said I could not cross the street to the venue because it was a secured area.  “Really?  I don’t think so.”  The hand on the Taser told me I should think again.  Undaunted, I walked down the block to the next corner.  Again, I was stopped.  But this time I said that the other security guard sent me there.  “S/he said it would be OK.”  Success.

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