Ptown vs. Fire Island

After months of being incredibly careful and staying away from virtually all humanity, I’ve thrown the whole wind into the caution and ventured back into the real world.  Well, Provincetown.  While this isn’t the Ptown of yore (or mine), it’s still lovely to get away.  But is it even Provincetown?  Certainly not a typical July 4th.  But the businesses are making the best of things.  Bars that were unable to open because they don’t serve food suddenly added sandwiches to their menu.  Regardless, all eateries must close by 11PM, at which point the streets basically roll up.  So, while it’s still lovely, don’t judge Ptown by this summer.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that Fire Island is as busy as ever.  One particular person joined in the 4th celebrations while knowing he had Covid.  I won’t name him or vilify him because, surely he wasn’t the only positive person there.  Many of these vacationers probably have the coronavirus – they just haven’t been tested.  But that doesn’t make them any less contagious.  I simply say what I said during the AIDS crisis – assume everyone is positive and act accordingly.  You can still enjoy your life and be somewhat social while also being safe.


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