Bon soir. Je suis Brad!
Pope Franny is all for welcoming gay men into the priesthood on one condition – if they are willing to have “an orientation towards celibate life.” Now, I’m no authority on Catholicism, but aren’t all priests – gay or straight – supposed to be celibate? I looked it up and found this information: “The Catholic Church considers the law of clerical celibacy to be not a doctrine, but a discipline.” And I’ve known my share of priests who like to be disciplined! Anyway, the Pope has his own views: “The objective of the training for priesthood in the emotional-sexual sphere is the ability to welcome chastity in celibacy as a gift, to freely choose and to responsibly live it.” It’s a gift? As I tell most people when it comes to gifts, I’d rather have the cash!
I am never surprised at the stupidity of people. But this chick in France takes the cake…or the gâteau! She willingly handed over $850K to someone she met online who said he was Brad Pitt. Let’s first start with this point – who out there believes a random message they get online is from the real Brad Pitt? Hands? OK, let’s say you believe it is really Brad Pitt – God only knows why. Is there any universe in which you think he’s asking strangers for hundreds of thousands of dollars? And riddle me this – if Max Emerson is getting $15K a pop to jerk off, how much could Brad Pitt make in a couple of hours? Anyway, Frenchie says “Brad” told her he had cancer – but, shhh, it’s a secret he’d only tell random strangers online. He needed money for treatment, and that bitch Angelina froze his accounts. Is there any part of that story you would believe? Max Emerson – sure. Brad Pitt – I don’t think so.
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