Dancing Politicians

This column is being written prior to the Coronation…er, the Inauguration.  I don’t have lots of thoughts – other than I think it’s amusing that El Presidente believes Hollywood is in another country.  Why else would he need Special Ambassadors to Hollywood?  Unless he means “special” as in “special needs”.  Next, I really don’t care about Carrie Underwood, but I think anyone who can make a lot of money and get international exposure is lucky.  Good for her.  Yes, I know how many gay people feel.  One such fan posted this to Carrie: “Don’t ever call yourself an LGBTQ ally again, you’re supporting the man that wants to abolish LGBTQ rights, you should be ashamed.”  I’m ashamed that this person doesn’t know the difference between a comma and a period.  I have no problem with Nancy Pelosi sitting this out.  But I’d pay good money to watch her try to do “Y.M.C.A.” without breaking a hip!

You know what does shame me?  Seeing Joe Manganiello hosting Deal or No Deal Island.  First off…REALLY?  I don’t have oodles of respect for him as an “actor”, but even I think he’s better than this.  Apparently one of the trades thinks so – in writing about the show, they called him a “veteran actor”!  Well, any chance one gets to see Joe shirtless is fine by me.  But I’ve seen lots of reality shows, and I’ve rarely seen the hosts topless.


It’s the end of an era.  When acclaimed gay party promoter Jeffrey Sanker died in 2021, one thought his empire would crumble.  But it continued…although in a somewhat diminished capacity.  Last week, it was announced that the legendary White Party in Palm Springs (which typically takes place around Easter weekend) was cancelled.  They are not saying it’s gone for good, but it sure sounds like it.  “While it’s bittersweet to take a pause, this gives us an opportunity to reflect and explore new ways to innovate and evolve”.

Someone else taking a pause is Bobby Berk.  The former Queer Eye host sold his home in the Hollywood Hills.  First he’s drummed out of the show, then he’s drummed out of Hollywood.  We hear he will not relocate in the area.


Some people take a pause against their will.  Take Wendy Williams.  She’s been (allegedly) locked in a facility against her will with limited contact with family and friends.  Her crime?  None that I can think of.  People say they are doing it for her own good – but I don’t know how selling someone’s home, giving away their pets, confining them to a facility, and keeping them away from their father’s 94th birthday is good.  Wendy found a way to get her message out directly – via Charlamagne The God and The Breakfast Club (you can hear the full interview on BillyMasters.com).  She called into the show last week sounding surprisingly lucid – aside from repeating “you know what I’m saying” about two thousand times.  I am completely Team Wendy on this.  Even if she is mentally compromised, why shouldn’t she be able to choose where and how she wants to live?  It’s a world gone mad.

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