Lear, Wallace and Cox Comedy

This week’s Ask Billy question comes from Reggie in Miami: “I just saw a commercial for a new sitcom with Laverne Cox.  What’s that all about??”

For this one, we had to enlist the aid of the Filth2Go Wayback Machine.  And you know it’s WAY back, because the sitcom is produced by Norman Lear, who’s been dead since 2023!  Back then, they shot a pilot called Clean Slate, which was shopped around to a number of networks.  I guess they weren’t ready for a sitcom about the owner of a car wash in Alabama (George Wallace) who is surprised when the son he hasn’t seen for almost 20 years comes back as his daughter (Laverne Cox).  Reggie is right – the trailer for the show looks fantastic.  George Wallace is a comic legend, and Laverne Cox mostly holds her own playing the glamorous, down-and-out daughter.  And then you have the sublime Telma Hopkins as Laverne’s mom.  If what airs on Amazon Prime starting on February 2nd matches what’s in the pilot, then they may just be onto something…continuity be damned!


When I’m picturing Ashley Parker Angel and gallons of baby oil, it’s definitely time to end yet another column.  In researching this column, I also learned that Drew Goins has a penchant for karaoke…of the Celine persuasion.  Let’s hope if any part of his body becomes stiff, it turns up on www.BillyMasters.com – the site that always starts with a clean slate.  If you have a question for me, send it along at Billy@BillyMasters.com and I promise to get back to you before I hit on Drew (in the form of a question, naturally).  So, until next time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s bible.

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