Blame it on Buttigieg

“Seeing that video, it’s hard to believe that it’s
actually genuine and real because she’s an actress
Criticism of Selena Gomez crying in a video about the mass deportation
of illegal immigrants.  Trust me, lady, she’s not THAT good an actress.

This week, I’m writing to you from sunny South Florida – Fort Lauderdale, to be precise.  As I boarded the plane, a Facebook memory popped up from 2019.  “I’m heading to Fort Lauderdale to compete against Dan Renzi in the pole dancing competition at Chat Noir.”  While I’d like to say my life has changed since then and I’ve grown up, apparently I’m the same ole Billy – except it’s no longer a competition.  And, rather than the divine Dan, I was with three dear lifelong friends to celebrate my upcoming birthday.  You know what I discovered?  Straight women are exhausting (no offense).  I adore them, but I must give it up to straight men…which I’ve always been inclined to do.  And, instead of Chat Noir, we were at AquaPlex (formerly Lips) to see my pal Daisy DeadPetals host the fabulous drag dinner.  Definitely check it out if you’re in the neighborhood –


It’s been a busy week, so let’s dispense with the politics quickly.  First, how could a fatal collision in mid-air be blamed on former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg?  “He’s a disaster now!” said El Presidente.  Yeah, because a former Rhodes scholar who has served in our military and served in both local and federal government is not nearly as qualified as an alumni of The Real World!  Mayor Pete wasn’t taking that lying down.  “Despicable.  As families grieve, Trump should be leading, not lying.”

Did I slip into a time warp and enter the ‘80s?  When did Caroline Kennedy dump the Schlossberg name?  Not that I really care, but it seems like she’s sold the Schlossbergs down the river and become a Kennedy again?  I have a good mind to ask for my bat mitzvah gift back!  And if she’s gonna be Caroline Kennedy, would it kill her to come back and host The Kennedy Center Honors?  I miss her sidling onto the stage in an ill-fitting dress and carrying a saddlebag.  Still, I sincerely appreciate her service to our country.

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