Louganis Bounces Back

Caitlyn Jenner is about to make history by posing nude on the cover of Sports Illustrated.  Well, not completely nude – she’ll be draped in an American flag.  Believe it or not, that’s not the controversial part.  Caitlyn will also be sporting the Olympic medal Bruce won.  This rubs people the wrong way, and it got me thinking – who won the medal?  Caitlyn or Bruce?  Would Caitlyn, who has all the genetic advantages of a male athlete, be able to participate in the Olympics as a woman?  As a man?  At all?  I guess that’s a question for the next generation.  All I know is that she’s wearing a medal and a flag.

Let’s move onto a real Olympic hero – Greg Louganis.  Do you realize that we have Greg to thank for Mario Lopez?  Mario broke into adult roles by playing the lead in Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story for the USA Network (my dear friend Patrick David played Greg during his early years).  So, who will be the next Mario Lopez?  More accurately, who will be the next Greg Louganis?  A new biopic about the diver is in development – this time for theatrical release.  Once again, we’re told that two actors are being sought to play the diver at various ages.  I am more than willing to begin auditioning people tout suite.

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