Kevin Spacey…Unmasked
A whole load of people in the UK are suing Grindr. They claim the hookup site has been sharing some sensitive information with people. “Such as?” I hear you asking me in an almost telepathic way. You know how people say it’s responsible to share things with potential partners like your HIV status and when you were last tested? Grindr seemingly does the responsible thing and has users answer such questions on their profile. But, according to this suit, that information is being shared with third parties. Who are these third parties? I’m not sure about that – I tend to avoid large groups of horny gay men…except during High Holy Days! Perfect timing, n’est çe pas?
UK’s Channel 4 will air a documentary called Spacey Unmasked just after this column comes out. When asked to comment on what possible revelations there could be, Kevin told openly gay journalist Dan Wootton, “I’ve got nothing left to hide.” To prove his point, Spacey allowed himself to be asked about each and every incident in the doc – and his recollections make for fascinating viewing. BTW, the first incident allegedly happened in 1976. Talk about your Bicentennial Minutes! We’ll link to the video on our website. As to the doc itself, stay tuned…
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