Eurovision Goes Gay
The Eurovision Song Contest just crowned Switzerland the 2024 winner. The competition never took off here in the States the way it does in…well, Europe! It’s kinda like a cross between American Idol and The Gong Show. Each country submits a song and singer, which often includes some sort of costume, nationalistic dance, and a healthy helping of kitsch. You won’t be surprised to hear that it also attracts a very gay audience. How gay? During the live semifinals from Sweden, co-host Petra Mede was explaining how easy it is to use the official app. While she was holding one “random” audience member’s phone, we heard what may have been an unfamiliar sound to Petra – but what we all recognized as the notification from Grindr. And then another. And then another! As the notifications kept coming, Petra said, “OK, I’ll just give you the phone back. It seems like you’re having a wonderful week here in Malmö!” I don’t know if the Eurovision app is easy, but the owner of that phone sure is! It all seemed a bit staged to moi…or however you say it in Swedish. You can watch the clip on
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