Who Makes History

Meanwhile across the pond, Doctor Who is making history.  For those of you who don’t know, the titular character of the venerable series has been played by 13 actors since 1963.  I read an article that Doctor Who is being played by Jodie Whittaker.  Well, I got all excited – the little boy from Family Affair finally got a gig!  Then I realized Johnny Whitaker PLAYED Jody (with a Y) on the show, twin to Buffy who died of an overdose as a teen.  This Jodie Whittaker is a woman, and she’s been Doctor Who since 2017.  The person playing the latest incarnation is actually Jo Martin, which is historic because Jo is the first Doctor Who of color (to say nothing of a female Doctor Who of color).  And how clever of the Brits to do this right in the middle of Brexit and Megxit.

By the by, guess who returned to Doctor Who?  Our very own John Barrowman – as Captain Jack, naturally.  Why did it take Barrowman 10 years to rejoin to the franchise?  Apparently the previous showrunner was not a fan.  However, Chris Chibnall was recently hired – and he had previously been the showrunner for Torchwood (the Doctor Who spin-off starring Barrowman as Captain Jack).  So that led the way to his return.  Although Barrowman’s appearance was a one-off, I am told he could be back in the future.

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