Fran and Ex Dish with Billy

20 April 2020

“Who’s ‘They’?  We were writing the show.  He did that. 
He did everything…including write the scene probably!”
Fran Drescher on Billy Masters LIVE when I asked who cast her at-the-time straight
husband Peter Marc Jacobson as a gay actor on The Nanny.  Why’d he play the role? 
Check out – the answer may surprise you.

Week three of Billy Masters LIVE has been a banner one.  It kicked off with our very own Judy Gold and Varla Jean Merman.  Let me warn you – while Varla was in full regalia, Gold was deathly ill and had just come from being tested for Covid-19.  And yet, the show was hysterically funny, while also filled with great insights.

On Thursday, we had the fabulous Fran Drescher!  You may have noticed, I’m only booking people I personally know and like.  So if you ever wondered what Fran is really like, check out this episode.  She’s everything you want her to be…and more.  The stories we got – it was like friends chatting in her living room (which we kinda were).  To top things off, I surprised her with even more people she loves, including her ex-husband Peter Marc Jacobson, her first agent, Dan Guerrero, her attorney, Mark Sendroff, and the incomparable Lainie Kazan (who has played both her mother and her aunt).  To get every drop of the tea we spilled, watch the full show at

Speaking of spilling tea, you know that Jenifer Lewis is one of my best friends.  And she’ll be on Billy Masters LIVE on Tuesday, April 21st.  Needless to say, the opinions of Miss Lewis are hers alone and are no reflection on Billy Masters Multimedia.  The one thing I can promise is that it’ll be memorable.  You won’t wanna miss this!

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