Colton Comes Clean…Kinda

Our Ask Billy question is more of a comment.  Oscar in San Diego writes, Colton Haynes just posted that XY Magazine cover that he did in 2006.  I guess he’s not embarrassed by it anymore.”

“Times have changed, and we’ve often rewound the clock, since the Puritans got a shock, when they landed on Plymouth Rock.”  So, what can I say?  He’s older, wiser, and over it.  What was troublesome when he was a tyke trying to make it is now passé.  “I’ve never posted this picture before.  In fact, I spent a big part of my career trying to erase it from the internet while I was still in the closet.  Partly because so many ppl in Hollywood told me I would never work as an openly gay actor, but part of it was because I was incredibly ashamed.  It made me sad to see these pictures I had taken as a 15 year old model,” he began.  He went on and on, but ended with, “Being gay is worth celebrating.  I wish I’d figured that out sooner, but I’m so glad I know it now.  To everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community, I hope you celebrate yourselves this month & always, exactly as you are.”  Except, of course, Colton is not quite ready to celebrate himself exactly as he was – he edited the post and changed “15 year old model” to “teenage model”.  The more things change…the more you can see on


When Colton Haynes is touchy about his age, it’s definitely time to end another column.  You can touch yourself while checking out – the site that is brought to you by the letters X and Y.  If you have a question, send it along to, and I promise to get back to you before a special episode of Sesame Street when Ernie and Bert go to a sperm bank!  Until next time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s bible.

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