Spacey Attacks Rapp

Anthony Rapp’s case against Kevin Spacey just took a fascinating turn.  As you may recall, Spacey tried to get the abuse charges thrown out of court because Rapp’s co-defendant refused to go public with his identity.  Anthony is prevailing alone, which led Spacey to hire a psychologist to evaluate Rapp.  This professional claimed that “Rapp displays narcissistic personality traits, in that he has an excessive need for admiration, has a grandiose sense of self-importance, and believes that he is special”.  In other words, he’s an actor!  Who knew Ant and I had so much in common?  Spacey’s expert also believes that Anthony “generated and perpetuated a false memory” and has “resentment towards closeted gay actors.”  Rapp countered by asking the court to allow him to call witnesses to verify that his account of the Spacey attack has been consistent all of these years.

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