The Sons of Slovenia

“I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.”   
Jimmy Carter explains what makes him want to hang on until after his 100th birthday on October 1st
I smell grounds for a voter fraud investigation.

By the time you read this, I’ll be back from my month abroad.  I’m limited from recounting details of my frolicking due to an iron-clad NDA.  But I can reveal that the bulk of my time was spent with a limber lad from Slovenia with ties to the US – but I can’t say more.  Well, I could mention that not only are they quite fetching in Slovenia, but guys and gals in that locale can be had for the price of a ripe cantaloupe!  Alas, it’s a tragic story right out of a Bel Ami video – this boy was born without a vowel!  When he introduced himself, I was sure he was coughing up a hairball!  And to think I used to make fun of Steve Kmetko – at least he has two vowels!  This child couldn’t even ask Vanna to buy one.  Still, there’s more to life than vowels, as I learned in several languages.


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