The Sons of Slovenia
“I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.”
– Jimmy Carter explains what makes him want to hang on until after his 100th birthday on October 1st.
I smell grounds for a voter fraud investigation.
By the time you read this, I’ll be back from my month abroad. I’m limited from recounting details of my frolicking due to an iron-clad NDA. But I can reveal that the bulk of my time was spent with a limber lad from Slovenia with ties to the US – but I can’t say more. Well, I could mention that not only are they quite fetching in Slovenia, but guys and gals in that locale can be had for the price of a ripe cantaloupe! Alas, it’s a tragic story right out of a Bel Ami video – this boy was born without a vowel! When he introduced himself, I was sure he was coughing up a hairball! And to think I used to make fun of Steve Kmetko – at least he has two vowels! This child couldn’t even ask Vanna to buy one. Still, there’s more to life than vowels, as I learned in several languages.
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