Chances Are…

In yet another first, we’re venturing into uncharted territory with this week’s Ask Billy question.  John in Minneapolis says: “I hear there’s a vid of Chance the Rapper taking a piss showing his cock. Do you have it?”

And this, children, is why college doesn’t matter.  I have a degree.  I have even been known to cum loudly.  But does it matter?  Nope.  In the end, all that matters is a rapper peeing.  Sadder than the question is that I have an answer!  One night, Chance came home drunk.  While peeing, he saw a bug on the window sill and decided to film it with his phone.  Alas, prior to focusing on the sill, he aimed down.  Don’t judge – I’m sure you’ve all been there!  And if not, you can see what it’s like at


When we’re more embarrassed for showing you the video than we are for Chance (or the question), it’s definitely time to end yet another column.  And potentially my career.  There goes a quarter of a century of work.  Eh, easy come, easy go.  Speaking of easy, the easiest way to find anything is to check out – the site that apparently has no standards.  And if you need something – anything – just dash a note off to and I promise to get back to you before Taylor and his mom’s next date night!  So, until next time, remember, one man’s filth is another man’s bible.

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