Pintauro vs the Pylon
The last few weeks haven’t been great for Danny Pintauro. It all started on Thanksgiving night when he had a mishap on one of those rental scooters (full disclosure – I use them all the time in LA). He was in the bike lane (which I rarely am), when it suddenly was blocked with cone pylons. He swerved only to find himself between a pylon and a van. As he said, “The pylons hurt!” While he initially thought he broke an arm, he ended up having an infection in his bloodstream due to a tear in his stomach lining. An emergency laparotomy and abdominal surgery took place – followed by a long stay in ICU while intubated. While he is doing better, his medical bills are daunting. He started a GoFundMe page with a modest goal of $5K – which was reached quickly. Still, I’m sure anything you could donate would be helpful:
By the by, you’ll recall that Alyssa Milano planned a reboot of Who’s The Boss? a couple of years back. It bounced around several networks until it landed at Freevee – which itself is hanging on by a thread. This may explain why the reboot plans were scuttled. Throughout discussions, Milano talked about reuniting with Tony Danza and hopes that Judith Light would pop in. But I don’t recall the word “Pintauro” being uttered – not that udders are his department. It gave some credence to rumors that the twosome didn’t get along…which I found somewhat amusing, because if anyone loves the gays, it’s Milano! Anyway, in writing about the LA fires, Danny said the following: “My dear friend Alyssa Milano has been posting some incredibly helpful links to various charities and assistance programs so I’m going to ask you to rely on her wonderful content at this time.” He may no longer have her phone number, but he’s still following her on social media!
I’m not someone who typically goes to these fan conventions, but even I am tempted by the lineup for MegaCon in Orlando in February. Sure, my feathers got fluffed with the thought of Dolph Lundgren, Tom Welling, Brandon Routh and Grant Gustin in the same room. But there are also some special reunions scheduled. Fans of Happy Days can snag a snap with the gang from Arnold’s – Ron Howard, Henry Winkler, Anson Williams and Donny Most in the same booth. If you’re a bit younger, you can purchase a pic with stars from The Breakfast Club – Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, and Anthony Michael Hall. Who says you can’t go home again? Check out
Should you be in the Las Vegas area, you might wanna check out the annual GayVN Awards. Sponsored by Adult Video News, these awards celebrate the best in gay porn, and I should know – I’m a judge. These shows always need a sassy gay man to hold things together, so they’ve once again enlisted Alec Mapa as host. The statues will be presented on January 20th – God knows what will be done with them after that! The place? The Virgin Hotels Las Vegas – as apt a spot as any. You can find tix and information on
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